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forve yourself first

if you want to forgive other people's mistake
it will be easier if you can forgive yourself first


distance between us

I will try harder (:

won't depend on you anymore

when I got stuck with liking people that shouldn't I like
I will try anything to not like him again
the first step
with not depend on him anymore
I will independent
and make a little distance between me and him

Stop my feeling

a friend told me that feeling can't be controlled
but I'll try ti prove it was wrong
because, I can't like the person who I like now
so, let we see
how far I can prove that my friend was wrong

Yellow Balloon say Hello (:

have a nice day
- yellow balloon -

a Day in Jogja

this is way I love photography
I always interest with social interaction around me
and actually idk if this one of social interaction,
but here I post this
to say there so many bless that we should thankful
in life, don't always look to the sky
but sometime you have to look ground, and remember
the blessing you already got


the sunshine come out and then will be disappear 
whatever you choose in your life
there will be up and down
so enjoy the ride (:


- a crave of travel; being homesick for a place you've never been -

got this from my friend
and totally describe how i fell lately

I am more happy now

and I was wondering, how awful I am when I was
and I am more happy than I was
than I can't do what I like
and not enjoyed my life
it was a past
and now is a brand new day
and I am more happy (:

Laugh is the best cures for everything

family for me is the cure for everything
Yes, we rarely meet
Yes, we just hang around when everybody took a holiday
Yes, we are so busy with our life and it hard to chit chat each other

but when we all gather
the air will full with our laugh


my obsess with cloud

inspired by an Indonesian Movie
"Recto Verso"

Fall in Love with someone that have
"cloud" charisma


Relieve your anger

you know you are in anger
when you can't control yourself again
and you start to hurt people who care about you
and people who you care


balloons make my day !
bought these Sunday morning in car free day
so lovely
especially the Yellow (:

Laugh, Share, The best time, Settle

the reason why I am still single
because I don't meet that man yet
and I know, someday I will meet my man (:

Find each other

in the end, we will meet (:

Good Morning - Tumbler

got this tumbler from my parents, and just realize
every morning when I drink water from here
also give new spirit in the morning

Let It Go

sometimes you just have to let it go

Find Yourself

if you stuck and confuse about yourself,
lose yourself

Starting Over

for everyone that think their world is over
and you feel people around you judge and blame you
say this for yourself and them

Stay Strong

Whatever your problem, STAY STRONG
and keep believe there will be a solution for every situations 

the Cassava Cake

love this cake so much
the Cassava Cake
was made by my mother

a Random thing

I draw this by myself, and I love when I finish it. I don't know about other people opinion, but I am not an artist, so I proud with this (: